Monday, March 26, 2018

4:48 Chapter 4

[QingYan, QingYan, did you wake up? ]

[Can you hear me? ]

[It would be scary to hear a strange voice in such a deep night. But don't worry, I won't hurt you.]

[Let me introduce myself, I'm Zero. I'm a sense in your mind that doesn't belong to you. A soul that doesn't belong to your body. ]

Su QingYan opened his eyes and saw the dark ceiling in his bedroom. His roommate was asleep, and this voice was not one of his roommates, this meant that his roommate was not who was teasing him. Su QingYan blinked and quickly accepted the strange sound in his mind. He wanted to open his mouth but feared to wake up his roommate, so he tried to talk directly to Zero in his head.

"Why do you appear?"

"Looks like you have been able to accept immediately talking directly in your mind. Zero exclaimed, [Looked at the time, and it's 4.40 in the morning. Well, I'm here to save you. ]

Su QingYan silent for a while and asked: "I will die?"

Zero did not think that Su QingYan would directly ask him this question and replied, [Yes.]

"Then... you came to save me to stop my death?"

[Yes, but how did you guess it? ]

"I don't know either." It was strange that Su QingYan was not scared when the voice had just sounded. Somehow he felt some familiarity as if he had heard it before. When he heard Zero was going to save him, his first reaction was to ask if he will die. Zero was coming to save him.

[In the end, it still has an impact] Zero sighed.


 [It's nothing.]

Su QingYan felt a little weird, but he did not ask anymore. He said, "Well, when will I die?"

[Six years later.] Zero replied calmly, [I found you now to stop you from knowing someone.]


[He Shu.]

Su QingYan recalled that he did not seem to know this person and felt very strange: "Why?"

[Your death is related to him.]

At the moment, Su QingYan didn't understand what Zero meant, but he still felt he should listen to Zero because Zero gave him an inexplicable feeling that he could rely on him.  In the deep night, the moonlight shone through the balcony's glass door and lit misty in the bedroom. Su QingYan suddenly thought.

"Zero, do you have a physical?"


"But I want to see what you look like."

[Sorry, I don't have an entity.]

Well, Su QingYan gave up this idea.
When Su QingYan woke up the next day, he had two big dark circles. He still feels very sleepy, but he has no choice but to brush his teeth and face school. His school doesn't allow students to skip class at will. Therefore, Su QingYan has to go to the school. He took a toothbrush cup, brushing his teeth and went to wash his face in the washbasin. After he had filled with water, he suddenly remembered that he had a guy in his head. He greeted in his head: "Good morning, Zero."

[...Good morning, Qing Yan.]

After a brief preparation, Su QingYan bought breakfast and was ready for class. The first class was a boring math lesson. People around Su QingYan were either sleeping or playing mobile phones or deserting. Su QingYan didn't think that the mobile phone had any fun, and he didn't want to sleep thus he started chatting with Zero.

"Zero, how did you know that I would die after six years?"

[I came from the future.]

"Well, why did you choose to save me?"

[This is my mission.]

"Well..." It seems that he is still very much favored by God. He deliberately sent a thing to save himself. Su QingYan thought for a second and asked, "How do you say I will die after six years?"

 [I do not know.]

"How could you not know?" Does Zero not predict the future?

[There are too many deaths. I can't say them clearly.]

"Well..." Su QingYan picked up some details from his statement and asked, "You said too many death methods. Can you say that I have died many times? Or, have you saved me many times and failed?"

 [You can say that.] Although, he didn't want to admit this.

"Then...this is the first few times?"


Su QingYan swallowed in his mouth and couldn't imagine how he had died ninety-nine times. He didn't understand why would Zero saved him so many times and still wanted to do it.

"You have failed so many times. Have you ever thought of giving up?" Su QingYan doesn't care about his life, but he doesn't understand Zero's intentions.

[No, my existence is to save you.]

Obviously a mechanical voice, but Su QingYan felt that Zero's voice sounded very gentle, this may be related to his experience. Su QingYan's character is introverted actually. There's no friend since childhood. So, if anyone is kind to him, he will thought that person is a good people.

Although Zero is gentle to him, he is not a person who likes to chat. Typically, Su QingYan asked him first before he answered. However, Su QingYan didn't care about these things. He was able to talk to him and thought it was pretty good.

"Speak, why did you say that my death was related to He Shu? What is my relationship with him?"

[In the past world, he was your boyfriend, and it was you who confessed first.]

Su QingYan never thought that he likes men. He never thought that he would confess to a man. That said, the man named He Shu must be pretty good or very kind to him, otherwise, how else would he be attracted? Su QingYan thought.

"But if he is my boyfriend, why is my death related to him?"

[Most of the time, your death was not caused by him, but it was related to him. Therefore, you cannot know him.]

"Well..." In a word, his death was not caused by He Shu directly but indirectly. Su QingYan thought that he didn't know who He Shu was in this world. To protect his life, it's better he doesn’t know him.

However, he also began to wonder what kind of person He Shu was in the end. Therefore he took the courage to meet with a girl who's very popular in class.

The girl was surprised when she saw Su QingYan talking to her. In her impression, he is reluctant to mix with other boys. Usually, he said a few words with his roommate. After listening to his intentions, she said:  "He Shu? I don't know him, but I heard he is a star in Foreign Language department. They said that in sports are pretty good too. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just ask." Su QingYan smiled, there was a blush on his face. After all, he never talked to this popular girl.

Department of Foreign Languages, Su QingYan never thought that he would go there. His English in high school is more or less a failure. Plus, he knows no one in that department. So just do as Zero said, and avoid the places where He Shu might go there.
Two days later, it was a weekly physical education class. The physical education teacher told them to play badminton and call him before the class end. It is an elective physical education class. Su QingYan doesn't like badminton. At first, he chose volleyball, but there are too many people picked volleyball. He filled in too late and was kicked out, forcing him to take badminton.

Su QingYan looked at badminton in his hand, felt depressed. He couldn't play badminton by himself. If the dead teacher would come to check, just check his fart!

Su QingYan looked around and found that there was a guy who was playing badminton just a short distance away from him. It seemed that guy was good at playing, so he got an idea to go and ask for advice. Zero shouted in time.

[Do't go!]

"What's wrong?"

[It's He Shu. In the past world, you know each other here.]

After listening to this, Su QingYan stopped and stood to look in the distance not far from the boy. He was tall and slender, with a pale face, sharp eyes and a tall nose, indeed looked good. They said he is a star. Not too much. Su QingYan is a good boy in their psychology department, but he is inferior to He Shu.

"He truly looks good." Su QingYan sighed.

[Is he that good?]

"Yeah, no wonder you said, I will love him."

[Then don't think about it.] Zero promptly interrupted Su QingYan's wishful thinking. [Still thinking about how to play.]

"I think and I won't."

[...forget it. I'll teach you.]

Su QingYan didn't believe that Zero could teach him. How can Zero teach him when he doesn't even have a body? But Zero really did that, and it was more earnest than many sports teachers. Tell him what's wrong with his posture, where the arm should move, what's wrong with his power, and how the position of the ball is. Zero was so instructive, Su QingYan didn't even play a ball yet.

"I'm sorry..." Su QingYan said to Zero with a hint of apologies.

[It's okay, I'll teach you later.] Zero's voice didn't sound impatient.

Su QingYan knew his physical education was really bad, and his comprehension was so poor that many teachers were too lazy to guide him. Zero was able to guide him so long. Zero was the first.

Before the class ended, Su QingYan finally successfully played the ball under the guidance of Zero.

"Wonderful, success!" Su QingYan was very happy.

 [that's nice.]Zero exclaimed, [I know you can do it.]

"Ok!" Su Qingyan happily running to the teacher's side, went for a game and forgot about He Shu.

While Su QingYan was nervously testing in front of the teacher, Zero still talked to him in his mind and told him to let him relax, do not be nervous. Finally, Su QingYan passed the test.

Su QingYan felt relieved. Even though he knew that Zero couldn't see it, he still smiled and said to him, "Zero, thank you."

[you are welcome.]

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

4:48 Chapter 3

"What? "

[Ceng Hao first saw He Shu here.]

"I understand..."

"He Shu, we will go somewhere else to eat." It's a time to hide. Su QingYan pulled He Shu's sleeve and tried to stop him from meeting with Chen Hao.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's go to eat Mala Tang."

He Shu sighed. "I think you should eat less spicy food..."

In the end, the two people didn't go to the dumpling shop. Naturally, He Shu didn't see Chen Hao. Su QingYang couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief. However, Zero in his mind still reminded him not to take it lightly. The reason is that Chen Hao is a student of foreign language department, and He Shu is an English teacher. Even though Chen Hao is not in He Shu’s class, the possibility of them meeting each other is still very high.

Sometimes Su Qingyan will find it very strange. Is Chen Hao liked He Shu because of an opportunity? As long as this opportunity to break on the line? If only a simple meeting and understanding should be nothing, it seems that he also knows a lot of people. But, he just likes He Shu. Zero didn't agree with this,  as long as Chen Hao met He Shu certainly will fall in love with him. If Chen Hao fell in love with He Shu, Su QingYan undoubtedly will die, this is all arranged.

In short, it is necessary to eliminate all opportunities for the two of them to know each other. Since Zero knows what will happen in the future, he will be able to tell what Su QingYan should do and not. On one occasion, the class teacher in Chen Hao’s class was sick. The head teacher asked He Shu to attend the class. Su QingYan used an excuse that he was not feeling well and had to go to the hospital with He Shu. He Shu had no choice but to find another English teacher to attend the class. However, due to Su QingYan's planned illness, He Shu was so angry after the doctor saw him and ignored Su QingYan for some time.

Su QingYan said that he just wanted to save his life and his boyfriend's reputation, but he couldn't speak.

During this time, Zero just talked to Su QingYan the time and place where Chen Hao might appear, and this would allow Su QingYan to avoid these places as much as he can do. After a while, He Shu became aware something wrong with Su QingYan and took him to talk.

"Oh, I want to ask you some questions."

"What's wrong?"

"Is something happened recently?"

There are indeed some, but he can't say. No one will believe him. He shook his head: "No."

"I feel like you're hiding from someone."

"No, no." Su QingYan found that He Shu was still quite sharp, suddenly discovered that he was hiding from someone.  He said he's not hiding, more like helping He Shu hide.

"Really?" He Shu stared suspiciously at Su QingYan's eyes, tried to find out from his eyes whether he was lying.

Su QingYan never dared to lie to He Shu. Especially when He Shu stared at him, he suddenly panicked and asked Zero in his mind.

"He found it. What should I do?"

Zero thought for a moment and calmly answered: [Say you wanted more, you just want to avoid a crowded place, and enjoy the world only two of you.]

"Is it possible?"

[He'll believe it.] Zero assured.

Then Su QingYan opened his mouth just like Zero taught him: "You're overthinking. I always keep you from going to places where there're so many peoples. I only want to enjoy the world with you."

He listened to Su QingYan words, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "Okay..."

Su QingYang sighed, fortunately, He Shu has passed.

"It's good, he finally believes me."  Su QingYan excitedly told Zero. After all, this was his first time he had lied to He Shu, and it's hard for him to avoid some excitement.

[Don't be too happy. You need to be on guard against Chen Hao.]

"Is Chen Hao honestly so terrible?" Anyway, he just a student? And I haven't seen him before. In Su QingYan eyes, his students are all good children, although he's not much older than them.

[...Do you want to see him?]

[If you want.] He was very curious about this Big Devil Chen Hao looks like who had killed him for 49 times.

[At 3.15, there's an Ideology class in their class, you can sneak in to see him.]


In the 3rd class, Su QingYan quietly entered the class where Chen Hao in and secretly took a seat in the back row. Fortunately, students in their class have never seen Su QingYan, plus, Su QingYan was young and wore similar to the students. Therefore, they didn't find that there was a teacher inside. When the bell class ringing, the students in the class were full. Su QingYan quietly asked Zero, "where is he?"

[Next to you.]
"!" This is quite a coincidence, right? Su QingYan's position was in the last row on the left side of the wall.
On his right side, a student was sitting. Su QingYang looked to the right and saw a boy sitting beside him. A schoolboy with a clean head, wheat complexion, appearance is very handsome and a man unique charm.

"Look good, no wonder you say He Shu will...." Su QingYan is very uncomfortable.

[Don't be afraid, He Shu loves you.] Zero comforted.

"really? "But he thinks Chen Hao looks better than himself and at least has a masculine personality.
[I won't lie to you.] Zero said.

Perhaps he noticed Su Qingyan's sight. Chen Hao slightly tilted his head and looked at Su QingYan. With a corner of his mouth, he said, "Mr. Su."

"Do you know me?" The teacher of their psychology department will not come to the Department of Foreign Languages ​​except for him. He has never been to this class. How could Chen Hao know him?

"Of course, you are He Shu's boyfriend."

"You, you also know He Shu?" Su QingYan felt even more surprised. Then he thought again the foreign language department is pretty big. He wasn't the whole person sticking to He Shu all day and night. He didn't look strange to see He Shu.

"Yeah, he is my cousin." Chen Hao laughed, showing clean teeth. Only Su QingYan felt a bit gloomy.

He suddenly felt like he had done so much before.
"what happened? Su Qingyan asked Zero. "You should have known this already?"

[Yes. ] Zero answered.

"So how you didn't' tell me? "

[It's useless to tell you.]

"Since they knew each other from the start, why should I stop them from meeting?"

[QinYan, Chen Hao is an emotionally sick person, doesn't allow them to meet, just afraid that He Shu was deceived by him and thus misunderstood you.]

", ah, as you said, if Chen Hao sees He Shu, he will fall in love with him. Then, they already know, does it mean ..."

[I mean, meet in these six months..]


When Su Qingyan talks with Zero in his head, the whole person would be in a state of sluggishness. Chen Hao saw him, he reached out and waved in front of Su Qingyan's eyes and asks, "Professor Su?"

"Ah? Ah, I stayed for a while." Su QingYan smiled.

After knowing that the two were relatives, Su QingYan couldn't calm down for a long time. After all, cousin fell in love with his cousin. It's too.... well, Su QingYan didn't have much energy to figure out these things. He only wants to keep his life well, let the two people don't meet in these six months.

However, Su QingYan felt a little strange that Chen Hao took the initiative to come to him, but also often come to see.  Although each time he just talked about something that wasn't there or asked him if he could eat together. After all, in this world Chen Hao didn't do anything to Su QingYan, so Su QingYan still had no hatred for him. Therefore, he can also get along with Chen Hao freely. However, to prevent the two people from meeting, Su QingYan would have to find a reason to send out He Shu when he met with Chen Hao. Once for all, Su QingYan had a sense of guilt in his heart.

It is also impossible to tell where this guilt comes from, and what is going on. Anyway, Su QingYan does not think it is right. Until one day, Chen Hao took the initiative to touch his cheek when meeting him.

Chen Hao said to him, "Sue Su, I seem to like you."

"..." Su QingYan suddenly froze or said that outsiders seemed to be stunned. In fact, he was talking to Zero.

"what happened?" Doesn't it mean that this perverted person likes his cousin?

[I don't know, maybe the original world line was disrupted, so It has been moving in other directions.]

"I don't have to die? "

[I don't know... but it's unlikely.]

Su QingYan sigh and seriously said to Chen Hao:" I'm sorry. "
The expected answer, Chen Hao didn't show a look of surprise or sadness, only asked: "Is it because of my cousin? "

"Okay..." Chen Hao exhaled. "It's a pity."
It's amazing. Su QingYan thought.

However, Chen Hao didn't seem to give up. After a while, he will still come to Su QingYan. But Su QingYan still refused. Su Qingyan didn't relax his vigilance. He still not allowing Chen Hao to meet with He Shu.

The time passed, and soon, six months had passed, and it was the day when Zero told him that he would die. On that day, He Shu took the initiative and asked Su QingYan to come out to meet him. Su QingYan was afraid of an accident and wanted to stay at home. However, when he heard Zero telling his five ways of dying at home, he still went to He Shu.

When he came out, Su QingYan looked at the time, 4.20pm.

When they met, Su QingYan found that He Shu’s look was a bit wrong and looked like having a heavy heart. He asked, “Do you have anything to worry about?”

He Shu said, “Yeah, are you like someone else?"
"No." Su QingYan shook his head.
"Don't lie to me." He Shu wrinkled his brow deeply.
"Certainly no!"   

"What's this?" He gave the phone to Su QingYan. It was a photo which was Su QingYan and Chen Hao. The two sat together face to face, Chen Hao's hand on the hair of Su QingYan looks a little embarrassed. Su QingYan knows it's not the case! Because the next second, Chen Hao's hand shot by him, and then he got up and walked away.

"He Shu, you hear me explain that things are not what you think."
[Be careful QingYan, it's 4:45 .] Zero whispered.
"What do I think? Oh, isn't it that you and my cousin are together?"
"He Shu, you have to believe me."
"I have more photos than this one, and the kid is coming telling me, saying that you were already together." Sure enough, no matter which world is a metamorphosis. Su QingYan thought.
"He Shu, it's not what you think."
[QingYan, 4:46.] Zero is still reminding.

"I don't want to hear what you explain now." He Shu left Su QingYan with a look of disappointment and turned to walk. Su QingYan thought that this is not the end, so he went to chase He Shu. Then every time he went to hold Ho Shu’s sleeve, he was always thrown away.

"He Shu!"

"Don't pull me. Before you try to explain it, think about what you have done."

[QingYan, it's about 4.48. ] Zero's voice sounds anxious. Su QingYan's entire heart is frozen, but he can't stop. At least he doesn't want to die while He Shu misunderstands him.

"He Shu, don't go." Su QingYan walked quickly to He Shu and hugged him from behind. But He Shu always pushed him away. Su Qingyan didn't give up. He Shu pushed him away still Su QingYan continued to hold him. There was a construction site beside them. There was nothing but those busy workers, so Su QingYan had no scruples.

"Let go, don't be shameless!"

"Fuck!" He Shu felt anxious in his heart, he used more strength and pushed Su QingYan away. Su QingYan was awkward and stepped back several steps.

"QingYan, it's about 4.48! "

"Be careful!" The stranger's voice came from somewhere, that was the last voice Su QingYan heard when he could still see the sky.

At 4.48pm, a construction site because of construction problems dropped then hit a man in the head just now. He died on the spot.


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Friday, March 16, 2018

4:48 Chapter 2

[You're awake? Can you hear my voice?]

[No, don't be scared. I'm not a strange thing, not a ghost, not a fairy, not your other personality. Nor is it a thief who secretly breaks into your house. I, I exist in your mind, a sense that doesn't belong to you, but also a soul that doesn't belong to you.]

[No, don't panic. I won't hurt you. I'm here to save you.]

A familiar feeling, is it a dream turned real? Or is it also a dream? Should it be, or why does he hear strange sounds? Su QingYan pinched his arm and got pain. What happened? Is not a dream? Did he hear a so-called consciousness sound? This is not a problem with his mind, right?

[You've no problem with your mind. You are normal.]

Am I normal? How can I hear this sound? It's impossible for the plots in those novels to appear by themselves, right? Shouldn't this guy make me protect the world in the next second?

"You, who are you?" In short, you first should know who the other person is.

[My name is zero.]

"Why do you appear? What is your purpose?"

[I've come to save you. Save you.]

"Save me?" Su QingYan feels that he is living well, his work is stable, and love is good too. Where can he be saved? Who else wants to murder him?

[Yes, now, it is 4.48 in the morning, and at 4.48 in the afternoon six months later, you will die.]

"Die?" Su QingYan simply laughed. As an atheist, he never believed in the prophet, let alone six months later. However, he was still curious. Since the suddenly popping up Zero said that he would die, he would like to know how. Then he asked, "How I died?"

[Car accidents, poisoning, shooting, assassination, burning, falling from the roof, falling into the river, hunger strike, death, lack of oxygen, etc. I have calculated that there are more than 20 kinds of......] Zero sounds a bit exhausted.

So much, want him to go through it after six months? Not enough time, Su QingYan thought, and then said: "So many deaths are going to happen to me alone? One day?"

[You alone, but not in a day, but 49 days, or, 49 worlds.]

"You... What do you mean?" He's getting more and more unclear about what Zero's talking.

[To be honest. Before I discovered you, I have found 49 of you, so maybe you can't understand it. I predicted your death. To stop your end, I've to enter your mind to tell you what would happen in the future. Then guide you to what you should do. I have tried 49 times but without success. In the beginning, you died in a car accident. Still, as the times which I try increases, your way of death has increased...]

Su QingYan might understand that this is like a reincarnation world, continuously wears back to find him and stop his death. No. Why did he believe so easily? Before his ability to accept didn't look that strong, right?

"Why should I believe you?"

[I can talk to you in your head.]

This remark sounds very familiar, but why would it feel familiar? Could it be because Zero came to find him 49 times, so this body has a sense of familiarity with Zero in the end?

"But... if I am in trouble after six months, why come to me now? You can find me a few days before the incident."

[I tried all kinds of ways, but all failed... This time the reason why I'm looking for you six months before is to stop it from happening.]

"What's the matter?"

[Stopping the Foreign Language Department's class 3, Chen Hao and He Shu meet each other.]

He didn't know Chen Hao, but He Shu is his boyfriend that he knew from university. How could Zero know this? Right, Zero is a person who could predict the future. How could he not discern this? However, is Chen Hao and He Shu related to his death?

"Why should you stop them from meeting each other?"

[Your death is inseparable from them.]

"Impossible!" Su QingYan denied. "How could He Shu cause my death? I am... I am his..."

[The person who harmed you is not He Shu but Chen Hao.]

Hearing this, Su QingYan relieved, as long as the murderer is not him. But he's puzzled, he didn't know that Chen Hao, why is the other side killing him? So he asked, "Why?"

[Chen Hao fell in love with He Shu, so he work hard to break you up. In the past 49 worlds,
there are 20 worlds in which he derails you. When he lost to you, he poisoned you; In the 15 worlds, he didn't even fall in love but still got poison; There are fourteen other worlds. What he did was revealed, loathed and poisoned you out of revenge.]

"This is too poisonous..." Su QingYan thinks that this child shouldn't go to He Shu. Instead, he should come to him and let his psychological teacher talk to him well. So that child won't develop an anti-social personality in the future and endanger the society.

"What should I do?" Su QingYan asked.

[It's pretty simple. I'll tell you what you shouldn't do. You do so.]


The next day was a rest day. Therefore, Su QingYan didn't set an alarm clock and slept until dawn. Wait until he wakes up and opens his phone. It is already half past ten. Though, he also made appointments with He Shu around twelve.

How come is so late? Never had been so late before, Su QingYan thought. Oh, right, is it because I've awakened by a guy named Zero yesterday night, so I sleep for so long?

Su QingYan rubbed his messy hair, went to the bathroom to start washing. For today date, he has to sort it out, at least this unkempt look is entirely impossible. Su QingYan took the toothbrush cup first and tried to brush his teeth first. Suddenly he heard Zero voice.

[Good morning, QingYan.]

"Good morning, Zero." Su QingYan returned.

 [That's nice.] Zero suddenly said to him.


[You used to hesitate for a long time to say it.]

Say what? How are you in the morning? Su QingYan thinks that this is just an ordinary saying. Besides, to save his life, he must be friendly to Zero.

Su QingYan lifted his toothbrush cup, filled up water, squeezed toothpaste, brushed his teeth, rinsed his mouth, and washed his face.  He looked at his appearance in the mirror. Nothing seems to be a problem on his face. His hair was a bit long and best to cut it off after a while.

For breakfast, he still didn't have it. It had already passed the time. It's better to have lunch with He Shu. He's so much hungry now, but there's nothing to eat at home.

[QingYan, do you want to eat something first? Hungry is not good for the body.] Zero kindly said.

"Forget it. Anyway, I'm not hungry once or twice. It doesn't matter."  Which time he goes to work is not hungry? What's more, it's going to be lunch soon.

[Well, then pay attention to your body, eat less cold and spicy, pay attention to restrictions.]

"Ok, don't be a mother-in-law, really, obviously a man." Su QingYan laughed.

[You...know that I'm a man?] Zero voice is a mechanical robot sound. Although he can hear some ups and downs of emotions, he can't distinguish between men and women.

"I..." Su QingYan didn't know how. The sentence just came out like that. That’s how it blurted out. Now come to think of it, Zero seems never have mentioned his gender. He scratched his head and said, "I guess."



When Su QingYan arrived at the appointed place, He Shu has not yet there. It's often the case between them. When dating, most of them are Su QingYan waiting for He Shu. He fell in love at university,  also it his first. There is a saying that if you fall in love, you lose. Hence, in this love, Su QingYan always gift more. But he never complained just because he has given more.

They know each other in the university. After graduated, they returned to their first university for work. This university is arguably the bridge between them. Therefore, when dating, the meeting place is often set at the school. On weekends, the students in the university haven't left yet. Su QingYan stood under the plane tree next to the school. Several female students will smile at him when passing and Su QingYan will nod in response.

[He often asks you to wait for him.] Zero said.

"Yeah," When outside, Su QingYan automatically changed to talk with Zero in mind, "I'm happy."

[Ugh.] Zero issued a sound similar to sighing.

"What are you sighing? Does Zero have any human emotions? If so, what does it matter to him?

[Nothing, he's coming, right.]

Hearing Zero notice, Su QingYan turned to the right. Sure enough, he saw the one he cares the most within the crowd. He Shu's dress today is not formal like he usually used in class. He put on a casual suit, a pure black sweater, and washed some faded jeans. He looked younger and seemed to return to their schooling time.

From afar, Su QingYan saw He Shu, but at this moment, He Shu didn't seem to have seen him yet. When He Shu walked out of the crowd and raised his head slightly, Su QingYan waved at him. He didn't know if this would allow He Shu to see him at once. He also knew that he was a teacher. He might be lost some face in the student's eyes. Still, he couldn't control this. He only wants his lover to see him earlier.

He Shu took a great distance to see Su QingYan. He smiled at Su QingYan and waved.

As long as He Shu beckoned to him, he would immediately run to He Shu, regardless of whether this is in public, rushed into He Shu's arms. Sadly, He Shu didn't like this. He didn't like to be gazed by strange eyes. He gently pushed Su QingYan and said, "Don't hug here, others will see."

Su QingYan wanted to say that he didn't care whether others will see them. Though he knew that He Shu didn't like it, so he nodded his head and released him.

"Hungry? do you want to eat something?" he asked.

"Well, I don't care what to eat." Su QingYan replied cleverly.

"Then... Do you want to eat dumplings?"

"Yeah." He and He Shu are newcomers. They often not return home for a long time, so they have less chance to eat dumplings.

Only one shop near the school specializes in selling dumplings. The taste is pretty good. Therefore, there are a lot of people who go to eat regularly. He Shu and Su QingYan decided to go to the shop after they chose to eat dumplings.

[SLOW!] Zero suddenly said.
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4:48 Chapter 1

Hey, don't say anything.

Open your eyes and find out where I am? Look to the left, to the right, look ahead and turn your head. Don't you see me? But I can see you. I see you now and wanna talk to you.

Don't be afraid. I'm not a strange thing. Only you can hear my voice. And, I won't hurt you.

"You, who are you?" Why do you hear a strange voice when you wake up in the middle of the night?

Don't be afraid. Look at you scared like this. Didn't I say I won't hurt you?

"Who the hell are you? Come out!"

Sorry, I can't come out because I have no substance.

No substance? So, is it a ghost? No, it shouldn't exist in the world. But if not a ghost, what is it? The unknown is a terrifying thing.  Su QingYan felt a little scared. He covered the quilt over his head and trembled slightly. He stuttered and said, "You, what are you, you, you..."

I'm not a ghost. I have no substance because I exist in your mind. It's far-fetched to say that I am a consciousness that doesn't belong to you but exists in your mind. Or a soul that doesn't belong to you but is in your body.

What does it mean? Is he still dreaming? How else would he meet such a strange thing? Su QingYan mercilessly pinched his arm, it hurts. It didn't seem like a dream. However, what was the voice? Say, if this thing is in his body, does it mean that he can have a dialogue with this thing in his head? Su QingYan silent for a moment, trying to organize a word in his mind.

"What's your name? "

After a while, Su QingYan didn't hear that voice. He thought he had failed, and feel that it's probably the voice lying to him. But the next second, he got the answer.

[I called zero. ]

"Zero? Which zero? "

[...the zero that does not exist.]

"Well, Zero, why do you show up in my body?" Su QingYan knows clearly that zero never existed before. He never felt Zero's existence. Also, it's impossible to say that Zero was a product of splitting personality because he was there when he talked to Zero. Conscious.

[Because I want to save you.]

"Save me? "


Bedside watch was producing "click click" sound. The second-hand on regular rotation, drawing a circular arc. The minute-hand was moving with a remarkably small distance.

[It's 4.48 a.m., psychologically speaking, this is the most fragile time for a person throughout the day, and it's also the time when people are most likely to commit suicide.]

"I know it." Su QingYan is a college psychology teacher who understands these things best. "Why did you say this to me? Do you think I will commit suicide?" Impossible, Su QingYan indeed had some discomfort in his heart recently.  But it's impossible to commit suicide.

[No, your death time is twelve hours later. I came to save you.]

Su QingYan grew up as an atheist, naturally did not believe that there are who capable predict the future.

"How do you know that I will die after twelve hours? Why should I trust you? "

[Just because I can talk in your mind.]

There is a saying called prefer to believe them even they are not credible, Su QingYan will believe its words for now. " That ...... what should I do? "

[Very simple. I'll stop you from doing something tomorrow. You can do so.]


The next morning, when the alarm sounded, Su QingYan reached out, tried for a long time and finally touched his mobile phone. Later turned off the alarm clock. He instantly feels that he is seriously sleepy and is more than in the past. He wants to sleep a little longer, but he must get up. As a psychology teacher, in general, there is no class in the morning. But Su QingYan has used to getting up early, not only for his professionalism but also be able to spend more time with his lover.

However, don't know why, He Shu a little cold to him lately, should he be better than him?

Su QingYan’s lover is an English teacher who works in the same school as him, He Shu. Because he is an English teacher, He Shu has to come to school very early every day. Su QingYan wants to spend more time with him. Hence, he likewise leaves for school early every day.

Su QingYan rubbed his eyes, dragged his tired body up and went to the bathroom to wash. He took the cup, got the water, squeezed the toothpaste and put the toothbrush into his mouth. He heard a voice talking in his ear.

[Good morning, QingYan.]

Su QingYan almost swallowed the toothpaste he had just put in the mouth. Hearing this voice, he remembered what happened last night. Right, he had a strange guy in his mind and said he was going to save him. Should he be friendly to this guy?

"Good morning, Zero."

Su QingYan lived alone, so he didn’t have to fear that he would be treated like a neurotic when talking to Zero in a usual way. It's important. Talking in mind is easy to see through each other's idea.

[Did you get up so early every morning?]

"Yes, except for the holidays." Su QingYan said while holding toothpaste foam.

[Why? Is your job need it?]

"No, I only work in the afternoon."
[That's why......]

"I came to see my lover earlier." Think of He Shu, Su QingYan's mouth also rises slightly. "He is an English teacher. He will have classes every morning. I want to stay with him."

[That's the case, then... you should love him very much.]

"Yeah." Su QingYan spit out the toothpaste foam in his mouth and take a sip. "If you have a lover, you will understand. Oh no, you have no substance, then you should not even have sex."
[I have.] Zero answered, [I am a man.]

Well, men are men. Anyway, Zero is an insubstantial guy who knows coming from where. He even won't eat such things if he is jealous. However, he hoped He Shu to eat vinegar because he was too cold recently.

[QingYan, you seem lost.]

"Huh? Is it? No." Think of what he had done recently, he does lose some, but he quickly overcame these losses. After all, a relationship always has a low period, he thought. Perhaps he is now in that period.

[If it's lovesick, you can tell me.]

"Forget it." QingYan sighed. He hadn't expected Zero to help him. It was better to solve this kind of thing by himself.


When Su QingYan arrives at school, He Shu already there. In fact, the English teacher's office and the psychology teacher's office are not in the same place. However, Su QingYan doesn't immediately go to his office after arriving at the school every day. Instead, he first goes to He Shu’s office to find him.

The first class started at 8 o'clock. The time He Shu arrives at school usually around 7:30. Su QingYan was later than him a little. So to take advantage of extra time, he naturally won't return to his office.

Before coming in, he also specially bought breakfast for He Shu. He knew that He Shu often skipped breakfast. Sometimes he even deliberately not eating. Although he said he is not hungry, Su QingYan still worried that he would starve his stomach. Therefore, Su QingYan often helps him with breakfast. Then supervise him to eat, watching him eat what he brought, Su QingYan's heart will feel some satisfaction.

Their office is not a single room, but for two people. However, because Su QingYan and He Shu came out of the closet early, and their appearance is pretty good. Therefore, the female teacher in He Shu's office not surprised by the closeness of the two.

Su QingYan took breakfast for He Shu. Meanwhile, He Shu was arranging lesson plans on the desk as he would go to class in a short time. It's not good if something drops later. Su QingYan put the still hot meaty pork porridge on the table. He smiled and said: "He Shu, I bring you breakfast."

He Shu slightly lifted his eyes and glanced at what Su QingYan put on the table. He replied lightly: "Eating."

Su QingYan felt a little embarrassed, but since He Shu has said this, he certainly will not eat this breakfast. Su QingYan nodded and took the bag away. He looked for a chair next to He Shu and asked, "It's hard for you to have breakfast for yourself."

"It was Chen Chen who brought him." On the other side, Teacher Zhang inserted a sentence, which seemed careless. In fact, she deliberately said to Su QingYan.

[It seems you need be careful about this one.] Zero also inserted a sentence at this time.

Su QingYan didn't understand why. He also heard some of the student's gossip. They said that a sophomore foreign language department named Chen Hao interested in He Shu. He didn’t take it seriously before. After all, He Shu was more than six years older, but.

Like Zero said it's better to keep his eyes.

"I'll go to class." He did not say anything more to Su QingYan and took the teaching plan out of the door. Su QingYan still wanted to talk to him. But he had no chance.

"Teacher Su, did you quarrel with Teacher He?" Teacher Zhang asked with concern.

[This... not arguing, but cold war.] Su QingYan shook his head.

[He is very cold to you, why are you so good to him?] Zero asked.

Sure enough, this guy does not understand feelings, Su QingYan sighed. "Because I love him."

In the afternoon, when Su QingYan had no class, he's entrusted by his colleagues to go out and buy textbooks. Su QingYan had a car thus it was more convenient for him to go. He got into the car, started the engine. Then he heard Zero talking in his ear.

[Be careful. You're going to die.]

What you say.

"Have you speak like this? Who's dying?"

[Note the time now is 4:36 pm. You'll be killed in a car accident 12 minutes later.]

Speaking of that, zero did tell him last night that he would die at 4.48 this afternoon.

"What should I do?"

[Very simple. When you arrive at the street in front of the bookstore, you will find a truck in front of you. The truck driver is drunk and will suddenly rush over to you. I will warn you before he appears. Then you will turn left in advance.]

"Got it."

The school was more than ten minutes away from the bookstore. Su QingYan never drove so cautiously. Very strange. Obviously Zero tells him that something happened after twelve minutes. Why is he so careful from now on?

4:40, safe, waiting for a red light.
4:45, safe, there weren't many cars on the street.
4:46, safe, the bookstore was coming.

[He came!] Zero suddenly warns him.

Su QingYan received instructions and immediately turned the steering wheel so that the car could slightly change its path to the right. Sure enough, the next second, a large truck arrived at a fast speed. The driver was flushing. His eyelids were drooping. Obviously already confused. Su Qing’s urgency, quickly stepping on the gas. Finally staggered a second before the collision between his car and the big truck.

The big trucks continued to run forward. Su QingYan heaved a sigh of relief. So, he escaped? It's so good that he doesn't have to die. He doesn't have to leave He Shu, his family, and the world.

"Hei! Hei! Brake! brake!"

"Right right right!" After hurriedly stepped on the gas, the car ran straight ahead. If he didn't step on the brake at the moment, he fears that the car will hit the wall. Su QingYan lifted his feet then pushed the brakes firmly.

The car still maintained the accelerated speed.
What happened? Why didn't the car slow down?
Did not step on the wrong ah, step on it again, why? Still not worked?
No, how could this be? Brakes, failure?

The car swiftly rushed forward, like a bullet just shot from a gun barrel, rushed forward with precision and straightness. Then ran into a public building along the sidewalk.

At 4:48 pm, a traffic accident occurred on the street xx. A vehicle suddenly rushed to the sidewalk and collided with the surrounding public buildings. The driver died on the spot.

The author has something to say: The new text is short, expected will end in a few thousand words.

FFY Chapter 8

He YuanDong's confession~~ He YuanDong's mission was on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. The deserted island is close to t...